My name is Kye Kennedy. I was born a guitar player. After moving back to Memphis in 1974 I abandoned the tenor sax after hearing Michael Brecker play. The guitar was now my main focus. Throughout the 1980's I toured the world entertaining troops, played in a new wave band called Calculated X, played on sessions and eventually landed in Human Radio and we were signed to Columbia records in 1989. In 1991 we all moved to Nashville to be closer to the publishing business and play in the Nashville scene. I had always tinkered with audio gadgets, but I started getting serious in the late eighties, devouring books and paying older technicians to teach me the trade. In Nashville I got enough work to keep me off a tour bus—not that there is anything wrong with that. I earned the nickname McKyver after our tour bus was parked in an arena garage during the World Series. The satellite dish would not work in the garage, so I was enlisted to do something. "Get me a baking potato and a piece of tv coax cable." I replied. Within twenty minutes we were watching a decent reception of the game. After that I was McKyver.
I can repair, modify, or build from scratch just about any tube or solid state amplifier, parts permitting. So many new amps are built to fail after four years to force repurchase of the product, but our landfills are getting full and people deserve quality. For this reason many pros are using old amps, or having clones built for touring. The after-market support for these relics is still quite good, so after restoration you will have something better than you can buy new in most cases. Have a dream amp? I can probably clone it.
I have years of experience with classic tube amplifiers and Hi-Fi. For decades some people have shipped me their chassis removed from the heavy box and I have restored/repaired their equipment and returned it with tubes in a separate box for a reasonable fee.
Email me for a quote at kyeguru@gmail.com. Got pictures? Even better. I can tell a lot from well-framed, concise pictures of the guts of your equipment. I will keep you informed during the process.
—Kye Kennedy

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